Hello everyone, my name is Jake and in this blog we will be discussing current and past events that are causing controversial issues. Thank you for taking the time to read my posts and feel free to comment. My goal is to spread the truth and create some great conversation, so please comment.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Our minds

Our minds may be one of the most important tools we have to use.  3 lbs of gelatin like substance located between your ears will gather information using all your senses, process this information and create a response to the gathered information. Your mind is what tells you what to do, how to act, what to say. It will lead you down either the right path or the wrong path. How do control your mind and the decisions it makes? By controlling the information that goes into your mind. Not a very easy task in this day and age, with Hollywood, drugs, media, or whatever bad influences you can think of. The negative influences are all around us. We live in the devil's world but we don't have to live of the world. He is constantly tempting us with anything he can get his hands on, movies, tv shows, magazines, pornography. Your eyes send these tempting images to your brain, and your brain throws the idea around. STOP. It's already to late, soon as you start mulling over the idea in your head you begin to tell yourself, "it's not that bad" "it won't hurt anyone" "I'll only do it once". You have to control what your eyes see. If you know a certain magazine has tempting photos, don't even pick it up. Throw out all the movies in your house that are not pleasing to God, that's right throw them out, don't give them away, you don't want them to be temptation for someone else. Look at women in the eyes, do not gawk at their body. Clear out all the evil from your home and replace it with good. Teach your children at a young age to do the same, that way it will be easier for them to continue the Godly lifestyle. Don't just tell your kids how to live, be that example for them. Control what goes into your mind, so that the right decisions will be the natural decision. Your brain is an powerful, complex tool given to you by God, use it to honor Him.

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